School News
2023-11-08 12:12

Track and Field Day at the National Riga Sports Manege

Our Track and Field Day at the National Riga Sports Manege was a blast! We faced tough competition from schools like the International School of Riga, the International School of Latvia, Ecole Francaise Jules Verne, and Deutsche Schule Riga.

Our incredible team of 13 students from Grades 3 to 5 showed their super athletic skills!

While the girls rocked the Relay race and scored 3rd place, our boys gave it their all and grabbed 4th place in the same race. Misha, from Grade 5, got 4th place in the long jump, and Gleb, from Grade 4, dashed his way to 3rd place in completing a 60-meter running distance and 2nd place in a 200-meter running distance! Our students were like a team of champions! We thank the Sports teacher, Ginta Strode, for her work with students and participation in the event, and, of course, we thank parents for their fantastic support!
School Life Achievements