Parents' meetings at school are usually connected to academic issues such as studies, exams and grades. This is undoubtedly important, but do such meetings alone help to build the school community?
We believe that parents can help open up new possibilities for the school and for our students. They have a wealth of experience and vision, coupled with valuable connections and ideas. It is important to use this precious resource, and encourage parents to share ideas with each other, teachers and the EIS administration. It is also an opportunity for parents to get to know everyone in the community and to become friends - and so we invited them all to an informal meeting. This was also a wonderful event for the many new families at school this year, enabling them to meet each other in a casual atmosphere.
During the meeting, it turned out that parents had many mutual interests and acquaintances - and the conversation went far beyond academic topics. A great many exciting ideas, plans and activities were born at the meeting - not to mention all the warm, amusing and inspiring stories that were told. One parent, a father, shared a particularly valuable insight with us. He said that when you relate to school not only from a practical viewpoint but also with warmth, this feeling is passed on to the children - an important and memorable insight.
We thank everyone for coming - and we look forward to inviting parents to many more such meetings in the future. It was a truly great experience for us all!