Day camp
for 4−6 and 7-12 years old

Exupery Summer Camp

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Day camp
for 4−6 and 7-12 years old

Baltic Beach Hotel

  • August 12 - 16, 2024
  • August 19 - 23, 2024

  • August 12 — August 16, 2024
  • August 19 — August 23, 2024

Baltic Beach Hotel

Exupery Summer Camp

Program details
Join us for an unforgettable Exupery Summer in the beautiful seaside town of Jurmala!

Each shift is designed to blend fun, learning, and adventure, providing campers with a unique experience that combines English language learning, the beauty of the natural world and engaging and creative educational activities.

Our program caters to children aged 4-12, ensuring a safe, supportive, and inspiring environment for all.
  • English Language Learning
    The first half of the day is dedicated to English language lessons, focusing on structured grammar, writing, and reading exercises. Inspired by the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) and aligned with Cambridge and international school standards, we ensure effective language proficiency development. Throughout the rest of the day, all activities and programs are conducted in English, providing a natural and immersive environment for learning by doing.
  • Balanced and Creative Educational Program
    Through engaging and fun activities, including games and interactive lessons, we make learning enjoyable and impactful. Your child will not only develop strong language skills but also gain confidence and enthusiasm for learning in a supportive and stimulating setting.
  • Experienced and Professional Educators
    Our passionate and knowledgeable teachers are dedicated to guiding and inspiring campers throughout their journey.
  • Art & Science Studio
    Whether it's through storytelling, art, or science experiments, each shift includes hands-on activities that stimulate creativity and curiosity. A thoughtfully designed schedule that balances learning, creativity, and fun, ensuring a well-rounded experience, including our Art& Science Studio.
  • Swimming Lessons in Swimming Pool, Baltic Beach Hotel
    Daily swimming sessions at the Jurmala Baltic Beach Swimming Pool with professional instructors to help campers build confidence and stay active.
  • Proximity to the Sea
    All shifts take full advantage of our stunning location by the sea, incorporating outdoor activities, beach walks, and picnics.
  • English Language Learning
    The first half of the day is dedicated to English language lessons, focusing on structured grammar, writing, and reading exercises. Inspired by the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) and aligned with Cambridge and international school standards, we ensure effective language proficiency development. Throughout the rest of the day, all activities and programs are conducted in English, providing a natural and immersive environment for learning by doing.
  • Balanced and Creative Educational Program
    Through engaging and fun activities, including games and interactive lessons, we make learning enjoyable and impactful. Your child will not only develop strong language skills but also gain confidence and enthusiasm for learning in a supportive and stimulating setting.
  • Experienced and Professional Educators
    Our passionate and knowledgeable teachers are dedicated to guiding and inspiring campers throughout their journey.
  • Art & Science Studio
    Whether it's through storytelling, art, or science experiments, each shift includes hands-on activities that stimulate creativity and curiosity. A thoughtfully designed schedule that balances learning, creativity, and fun, ensuring a well-rounded experience, including our Art& Science Studio.
  • Swimming Lessons in Swimming Pool, Baltic Beach Hotel
    Daily swimming sessions at the Jurmala Baltic Beach Swimming Pool with professional instructors to help campers build confidence and stay active.
  • Proximity to the Sea
    All shifts take full advantage of our stunning location by the sea, incorporating outdoor activities, beach walks, and picnics.

Camp Dates

August 12 - 16, 2024
Location: Baltic Beach Hotel

Join us for an exciting adventure where we'll dive into the magical world of sea creatures and myths. This camp shift will be filled with myths and tales about water, the sea, rivers, lakes, and oceans from all over the world.

We'll dive into captivating stories from different cultures, learning about the legendary beings that live under the sea. Through creative storytelling, art, and interactive sessions, kids will bring these myths to life, enhancing their understanding of cultural heritage and the natural world.

Our Art & Science Studio, brimming with amazing ideas and unusual materials, will help us bring these tales to life.

  • Creative Thinking & Expressions
  • Storytelling Practices
  • Stop Motion Animation Workshops
August 19 - 23, 2024
Location: Baltic Beach Hotel

Get ready to explore the amazing world of water science. This camp shift will help us to dive deeper into the wonders of water and understand its crucial role in the world around us. It will be filled with exciting scientific explorations and hands-on experiments that reveal the mysteries of water, its properties, and its significance in our daily lives.

We'll dive into topics such as the water cycle, the physical and chemical properties of water, and its role in ecosystems. Through experiments and creative projects, we will gain a deeper understanding of how water works and why it's essential for life on Earth.

Our Art& Science Studio, equipped with fascinating tools and materials, will help us uncover the secrets of how water shapes our planet.

  • Deep Dive into Science & Experiments
  • Using Scientific Approach & Thinking
  • Science Experience Lab

Camp Price

5 days
Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 18:30
Baltic Beach Hotel, Jurmala
Exupery International Camp
Special Discount


Exupery Community Members Discount
Family Discount (for the second kid)
Family Discount (for the third kid in the family)
What to Expect
day and overnight summer camp in august 2024
  • English Language Progress
    Significant improvement in English language skills.
  • Safe and Fun Environment
    Our camp ensures a safe, supportive, and enjoyable atmosphere for all campers.
  • Engaging Activities
    Each day is filled with exciting activities, from swimming lessons to creative workshops.
  • Skill Development
    Kids will develop new skills in swimming, storytelling, art, and English language.
  • Cultural Exploration
    Through myths and stories, culture and science, children will gain a deeper appreciation for different cultures and the natural world.
day and overnight summer camp in august 2024
day and overnight summer camp in august 2024
  • English Language Progress
    Significant improvement in English language skills.
  • Safe and Fun Environment
    Our camp ensures a safe, supportive, and enjoyable atmosphere for all campers.
  • Engaging Activities
    Each day is filled with exciting activities, from swimming lessons to creative workshops.
  • Skill Development
    Kids will develop new skills in swimming, storytelling, art, and English language.
  • Cultural Exploration
    Through myths and stories, culture and science, children will gain a deeper appreciation for different cultures and the natural world.
day and overnight summer camp in august 2024
Day Schedule
9:00 - 10:00
Welcome & Wake Up Time
10:00 - 10:45
Morning Circle, Group Session 1
10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
Group Session 2
12:00 - 12:15
12:15 - 13:15
Swimming Pool
13:15 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
Nap Time | Free Time Options (Sport & other)
15:00 - 16:30
Art & Science Studio
16:30 - 16:50
Snack Break
16:50 - 17:15
Evening Circle
17:30 - 18:30
Evening Workshops & Pick Up by Parents Time
Let's Talk!
If you have any questions, please leave your details and we will contact you.
For more information
call us on + 371 20 23 21 21
or email:
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