I am proud of my family, my country and of my positivism.

After work I like to read, walk by sea, meet with friends.
Russian Language Teacher
Nataļja Pohomova
I am learning from kids to be open, kind and cheerful.

The school of the future is developing a personality and worldview.
To get up in the morning and go to school I tell myself: 'I am happy to meet my colleagues and students again.'

When I was a child I wanted to become a doctor.
Belarusian State University - Faculty of Biology - teacher of biology and chemistry;
Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, University of Latvia - preschool teacher.
Before EIS I was working at several Latvian schools and preschools.
My name is Natalia Pohomova. I will be teaching Russian as mother tongue in Primary School. This will be my 7th academic year at EIS.
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