Primary School

EIS Primary school is a place where children can enjoy their childhood through play-based learning activities as well as engage in high-quality curriculum. Inquiry and concept based approaches allow our students to achieve high results and enjoy the teaching and learning process. EIS students grow in this internationally-minded environment, knowing they are valued.
Kristine Atrens
EIS Primary principal & PYP Coordinator
The curriculum framework in Grades 1-5 is the IB Primary Years Program (PYP). It aims to develop young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong learning journey. The program is famous for its inquirybased and transdisciplinary approach. It challenges students to think for themselves and take
responsibility for their learning, as they explore local and global issues and opportunities in real-life contexts. Students acquire core subjects of English, Maths, and Science, Social Studies during their homeroom classes. Various special classes like the mother tongue, a second language, physical education, the arts, and technology are taught by specialist teachers in separate classes. All of the subjects are linked using large interdisciplinary units which are part of the school-wide Program of Inquiry – the hallmark of the PYP program.

To honor our host country and to fulfill the requirements of the international school accreditation in Latvia, all students at EIS learn about the language and culture of Latvia through the subject called
“Latvian Studies”. The course was developed by Exupery International School in accordance with state regulations and includes the study of Latvian culture, language, history, and geography. For more details about the PYP program visit the IB PYP Program Website. The full Program of Inquiry can be found here and the curriculum guides for the core subject areas are here.
ib primary years programme
IB PYP is an educational programme for students aged from 3 to 12 years old. Subject areas such as Mathematics, English, Science, Art, IT, Languages and Social Studies are woven into the programme in an authentic transdisciplinary manner, with clearly defined standards for each. The result is an engaging, authentic learning experience, which caters for learners from all backgrounds.

For further information about the IB and its programmes visit
To learn more about Exupery Primary School, watch the video
Primary School

Middle School

Middle years program (Grade 6 - 9)
In Middle school we are using the Cambridge IGCSE curricular framework. IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14–16-year-olds, taken in more than 160 countries.
In Middle school we are using the Cambridge IGCSE curricular framework. IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14–16-year-olds, taken in more than 160 countries. It encourages learner-centered and enquiry-based approaches to learning while standing out as an academically rigorous, well-structured and very well-resourced program. With clearly-defined learning outcomes and content, it is designed to be compatible with other curricula, to be internationally relevant and sensitive to different needs and cultures.
It encourages learner-centered and enquiry-based approaches to learning while standing out as an academically rigorous, well-structured and very well-resourced program. With clearly-defined learning outcomes and content, it is designed to be compatible with other curricula, to be internationally relevant and sensitive to different needs and cultures.
To complete the Middle School stage in Year 9 our students take the five IGCSE exams in the core subjects of Global perspectives, Information and Communication Technology, Combined science, English as a Second Language or English Literature, and Math. Upon passing these, our students are awarded the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and are also formally recognized as having completed the stage of Basic Education in Latvia. Thus, our students are students receive an education that is formally recognized by both national and international institutions.

To honor our host country and to fulfill the requirements of the international school accreditation in Latvia, all students at EIS learn about the language and culture of Latvia through the subject called “Latvian Studies”. The course was developed by Exupery International School in accordance with state regulations and includes the study of Latvian culture, language, history, and geography.

For more details contact your teacher and visit the IGCSE Website. The syllabi for the core subjects in Middle School can be found here: Middle School Syllabi.
exupery international school middle years program
To learn more about Exupery Middle and High School, watch the video

High School

Programme Grades 10 - 12
The curricular framework at EIS High School is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP). It was established to provide students with a balanced education, facilitate geographic and cultural mobility, and foster international mindedness. It is famous for its academically rigorous exams and its focus on student action, research and skill development.

To find out more about EIS High School, please visit:

Our Boarding House

In 2021 we opened a new and purpose-built facility offering over 5000 m² of additional space, including specialist laboratories, multifunctional classrooms, study labs, and common areas for teamwork. Our boarding house spaces were designed to meet all the needs of life away from home. Our boarding facilities are comprised of ensuite rooms for 2 or 3 students, with a total capacity of 90 students aged between 14 to 18. The boarding house has a range of boarding options available including full-time, weekly, or daily boarding.

Feel free to get in touch with us over the contact number + 371 266 22 777 or e-mail:
Feel free to get in touch with us over the contact number
+ 371 266 22 777 or e-mail
In 2021 we opened a new and purpose-built facility offering over 5000 m² of additional space, including specialist laboratories, multifunctional classrooms, study labs, and common areas for teamwork. Our boarding house spaces were designed to meet all the needs of life away from home. Our boarding facilities are comprised of ensuite rooms for 2 or 3 students, with a total capacity of 90 students aged between 14 to 18. The boarding house has a range of boarding options available including full-time, weekly, or daily boarding.
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