My name is Skaidrite Rudzinska. I will be teaching Secondary School Latvian Language as foreign language and Mother tongue. This will be my 7th academic year at EIS.
Before EIS I was working at Primary and Secondary schools across Riga including the Riga Waldorf School and also I have completed volunteer work in Sudan.
M.Ed. studies at Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RTTEMA) - General Pedagogy;
Qualification as teacher of Latvian as a second language and Russian as a foreign language at Middle school and High school - University of Latvia;
Bachelor of Education - Primary education teacher and Prof. qualification. Pre-school education teacher - Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RTTEMA).
I am proud of the challenges I've overcome and life lessons I`ve learned.

After work, I like to read books and magazines, watch a documentary, listen to podcasts, spend time with my family, cook a meal, take a bike ride or a walk.
Skaidrīte Rudzinska
Latvian Literature and Language Teacher
To get up in the morning and go to school I tell myself... Today is a new day!

When I was a child I wanted to become a ballet dancer.

I am learning from kids be curious and excited and be fearless.

The school of the future is digital.
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