Primary School Teacher's Assistant
Annija Freiberga
I am proud of my students and their improved English at the end of the year.

After work I like to read a good book, go to the beach and take a walk, do yoga, go to a museum, have a board game evening with my friends.
To get up in the morning and go to school, I tell myself that the kids are already waiting for me, missing me, and we will have a good time together!

When I was a child I wanted to become the singer - Ceiline Dion.

I am learning from kids to be happy and have a good time.

The school of the future is going to teach kids to take care of nature and live a sustainable lifestyle :) It will also be multicultural like it is here already!
Latvian Academy of Culture, Bachelor of Arts;
ESAD de Galicia Erasmus programme.
My name is Annija Freiberga. I am Grade 5 teacher assistant. This will be my 2nd academic year at EIS.
Before EIS I was working at:
Valodu Vēstniecība - preschool English teacher;
Swedbank - finance consultant;
Introskip - copywriter.
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