
EIS "Heads Up!"

Dear Exupery International School Community,

Welcome to the April edition of our HeadsUp Newsletter. This month has been packed with activities. We hosted another international event, had a significant accreditation visit, excelled in sports, took part in "The Great Clean-up Day", ran the Book Days, prepared for the rigorous exams, and much more.

Issue: #7 April 2024
head of eis artūrs piļkēvičs
Artūrs Piļkēvičs
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This is our seventh HeadsUp Newsletter video featuring Artūrs Piļkēvičs.

The World Scholar's Cup @EIS

An unforgettable event marked the end of last month at Exupery International School! Not only did we host the 2024 World Scholar's Cup regional round, but we also actively and successfully participated in it. Our teams competed against over 60 students from Latvian, Lithuanian, and German schools, displaying their talents in creative writing, debating, and addressing various scientific and philosophical questions.

We performed great, qualifying for the next global rounds and bringing home 18 gold and 22 silver medals. By the way, we now have a few adorable plushy alpacas to join our school community!

A massive round of applause to Roberts, Serafima, Dara, and Victoria from G7, as well as Emīlija, Luca, Aleksandrs, Arseniy, and Mariia from G10 for their proactive involvement and outstanding representation of Exupery International School. Special thanks to Miss Elīna Vestmane, our English Language Teacher, for her guidance and support!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our dedicated teachers, whose passion and commitment enrich the educational experience for our students. Thanks to our incredible volunteers, guests, World Scholar's Cup organizers, and everyone who made this event a success. We look forward to seeing you all at the next rounds!
On April 11 12th grade High-level Art Students displayed their Visual Arts exhibition project at the Greenhouse of Zuzeum Art Center. The collective included Alina, Elizaveta Isabella and Sofia. Although each of the students have their own theme and medium, the works blended into a solid exhibition project, required as a part of their IB DP assessment process.

Alina’s works progress though different perspectives and interpretations of the concept of imprinting – the theme embracing all her works from sculpture to graphics.

Elizaveta’s art gives the viewer the freedom of wondering and exploration, which plays a paramount role in finding personal inner light and understanding its source and comes as a recipe for unleashing one’s power and authenticity.
Isabella studies her identity of a third culture kid, having never lived in the countries of her nationalities, through her works. Oil painting, fashion, photography and video art give voice to nostalgia, sadness, anger and happiness she encountered on the journey through the cultures and countries that had formed her identity.

Sofia’s art focuses on the human being and relationships with others, nature and emotions.

It was a beautiful spring night full of art, flowers, friendships and love for art in all its forms. We extend our gratitute to Zuzeum Art Center for providing the students with such an outstanding opportunity to display their work and the Center's team for support and help.

Success at the swimming Competition

On the 23rd of March, students from Exupery International School demonstrated their aquatic prowess in a swimming competition for the U10 to U18 categories, facing off against competitors from King’s College and the International School of Latvia. Our team excelled across various age groups in Freestyle, Backstroke, and Breaststroke categories:
We extend heartfelt congratulations to our students for their outstanding results and commend them for their dedication! Special thanks to their swimming coaches and parents for their unwavering support, and to King’s College for hosting this exciting competition.
Aleksandra from G8 earned two gold medals.
Elizaveta from G3 captured two gold medals.
Georgy from G6 secured two gold medals.
Kristina from G5 brought home two gold medals and one silver.
Maria from G1 clinched a gold medal.
Prokhor from G9 proudly added a bronze medal to our tally.
Valentina from G10 won both a gold and a silver medal.
Vladislavs from G3 won one gold and two silver medals.


official cambridge education examination centre
Exupery International School is proud to be an official Cambridge Education examination centre. The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exams mark the culmination of Middle school and serve as an essential milestone in our students' academic careers. Students in G9 take five exams in English, Math, Science, Global Perspectives, and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).
For curious minds: The IGCSE is a globally recognized academic program developed by Cambridge Assessment International Education. The IGCSE curriculum, known for its rigorous standards and comprehensive approach, effectively prepares our students for future educational pursuits and professional challenges.
The IGCSE model is truly universal because it spans a wide range of subjects, from Mathematics and Science to Humanities and Languages. By engaging with this curriculum, EIS students develop critical thinking skills, analytical prowess, and a global perspective, equipping them with the tools they need to excel academically and beyond school.

Awards Ceremony of the Latvian Studies Olympiad

It has been exactly 1 year, 10 months, and 28 days since Exupery International School launched the Latvian Studies Olympiad in cooperation with the National Centre for Education of Latvia, the Latvian Language Agency, the Latvian History and Social Studies Teachers' Association, and the Latvian National History Museum.

Today, this event has become an established tradition, and we are thrilled to share the photos of the Latvian Studies Olympiad Award Ceremony, which Exupery International School hosted just before Easter. With over 100 guests from schools across Latvia in attendance, this memorable occasion showcased the academic achievements and camaraderie among students.

Being an international school entails more than just providing the highest quality education. For us at Exupery International School, it means fostering a modern community of like-minded, bright young people active in academic and social life. We aim to help them become global citizens who contribute positively to our interconnected world.

We thank all our partners and participants who contributed to making this event a success. We look forward to many more enriching experiences together.

CIS Accreditation Visit

council of international schools logotype
During the week of April 14-19 Exupery International School hosted a Council of International Schools accreditation visit. CIS is one of the most established and well-known accrediting bodies in international education. The seven visiting team members spent the whole week on campus meeting with self-study committees for each of the nine domains and with particular target groups, like students, parents, support staff, teachers, and the board.
united kingdom mathematics trust competition
Apart from ticking the box and achieving significant status, our CIS accreditation has enabled our school to take a close look in the mirror and make substantial progress over the past few years. A big thank you goes to all community members who participated in and contributed to this process.
The visit of CIS members was the last step in a self-study process that spanned over four years at EIS. While the official report and conclusion are expected to arrive within eight weeks of the visit, the preliminary verbal feedback of the visiting team was very positive.

Book Days

There is a striking similarity between a good school and a good book: both provide keys to locked doors in the castle of knowledge, leading seekers through corridors of wisdom to rooms filled with insight. This is why, at Exupery International School, we deeply value books and actively promote reading among our students in various ways.

For instance, we just hosted the Book Days. The event kicked off with our Head of School, Artūrs Piļkēvičs, reading his current nonfiction book by M. Scott Peck aloud to an attentive M&H audience. During lunch breaks in the assembly hall, teachers read books by English, French, Latvian, and Russian authors like Robert Cormier, Lewis Carroll, Ivan Turgenev, and others. During literature lessons, students also engaged in a project where they selected their favorite quotes and created posters to decorate the school walls. Some middle school students also visited primary classes to share the joy of reading picture books. Then, students and school staff dressed up as their favorite book characters to add even more fun to the event.

We thank our English Language and ELL Teacher, Līga Grundšteine, our Middle and High School Librarian, Jūlija Petuhova, and our Primary School Librarian, Vita Šaldova, for organizing such a memorable event. We are also grateful to every teacher and student who took the time to participate in the Book Days.

Click on the gallery to see highlights from our Book Days. To follow our tradition, pick a book from the shelf and dive into the magic of reading!

Last Day of School for the Class of 2024

On Wednesday, April 17, we celebrated a milestone for our Senior Class of 2024. It was their final day of regular lessons before stepping into their IB (International Baccalaureate) DP exams. This marked a historic last day of school for them, and some of them have been with us since the very beginning.

The Junior Class (Grade 11) and the student council jointly set up a special mailbox where students and staff could write notes of appreciation and best wishes to the seniors. Then, a special assembly was organized to congratulate the seniors. Additionally, the school held a festive breakfast to thank seniors for their efforts and give them a moment of celebration.

In the words of our fantastic Head of Middle & High School, Alina Jeremenko, to the students: "As you take on this challenging and exciting journey, remember that your school family is with you every step. Good luck, 12th graders! We believe in you and cannot wait to see all of you succeed!"

      Representatives of Five Universities Visit Exupery International School

      One key objective of Exupery International School's Career and College Counseling program is to give students opportunities to interact with university representatives from around the globe. This interaction is pivotal as it helps broaden our students' perspectives on their future academic and career possibilities.

      Two weeks ago, we were pleased to welcome representatives from prestigious institutions such as Les Roches, with campuses in Switzerland and Spain; Glion, located in Switzerland and the UK; Bocconi University in Italy; IE University in Spain; Constructor University in Germany; and Brussels School of Governance in Belgium.

      During their visit, students had the opportunity to attend presentations, engage in discussions, and ask detailed questions about university life and the programs offered. Upon their departure, the representatives spoke highly of our school and students, underscoring the visit's success. We thank the university representatives, our college counselling department, and the students who participated in the meeting. We look forward to the next visit!

      Easter Celebration

      Just before the Spring Break, our preschoolers engaged in fun activities thoughtfully prepared by their teaching staff.
      For example, they tackled a fun Easter egg scavenger hunt, got creative with egg painting, and made various crafts representing Easter celebrations in multiple cultures across the globe.

      These activities are a testament to EIS Preschool's core belief in hands-on and experiential learning. We thank all the teachers, assistants, and nannies for making this day memorable for our students.

      The Great Clean-up

      Committed to living in a sustainable and clean environment, this Saturday, the Exupery International School's community proudly participated in the nationwide initiative called "Lielā Talka", a.k.a. "The Great Clean-up".

      The designated area for the EIS team to clean up was the Babīte polder, near the Ventspils highway. The good cause brought together 13 enthusiastic participants, including the Head of School, teachers, students from G2, G8 and G11, and even one preschooler!
      "Lielā Talka," or "The Great Clean-Up," is an annual volunteer event that aims to recover and improve the environment while fostering unity, positivity, and a sense of care for wildlife.

      First organized in 2008, Lielā Talka has attracted around 500,000 participants locally and has significantly reduced trash in the area. This year's theme was "tīri-zaļi-ilgi," translating to clean-green-sustainable.

      We thank everyone who joined and contributed to making our environment cleaner and greener. Your dedication and hard work truly make a significant difference, and we are immensely proud of you!
      "Together, we spent about 2.5 hours cleaning the area and collected approximately 20 large bags of trash. Our haul included several tires, car windshields, other car parts, a TV set, and a pair of glasses trapped in the roots of a plant, among other unidentifiable objects", - tells the leader of the EIS team, our Primary Visual Arts
      Teacher and CAS Program Coordinator, Linda Kande, adding that during their efforts, the team members also enjoyed observing the local wildlife, – "There were a sparrow hawk, swans, Eurasian coots, starlings, wild ducks, and even a roe deer. Although we did not see the beavers, their presence was evident through their work around the lake".
      lielā talka 2024
      "Food for thought"
      At EIS, we have recently revised our staff appraisal and professional growth procedures to include elements of goal setting and coaching. It is becoming clear that while compliance-based evaluation practices help decisions on discontinuing working relationships, they rarely help achieve the appraisal system's ultimate goal — helping people grow and develop. As we discover more about how our brain works and how we learn, we understand that change in behavior is necessary for a person to grow and develop. Such change can come about only from within a person and requires introspection — an honest look into oneself.
      the power of reflective conversations
      Therefore, coaching is becoming ever more popular in appraisal systems; here is a helpful article on this topic, but it comes down to a few fundamental principles:
      To help achieve this look, there are coaching techniques and strategies that can help uncover one's obstacles and find ways to overcome them effectively.
      Build rapport — remove obstacles, e.g., the table between you and your coachee;

      Ask open-ended questions that prompt thinking and reflection;

      Pause after you ask a question and after the person answers to allow a person to think and reflect;

      Rephrase the person summarizing the main ideas, feelings;

      Avoid solutional or autobiographic listening: do not make any suggestions or give examples of your experience, solutions, etc.
      number one
      number two
      number three
      number four
      number five
      Try having such a conversation with your colleague, friend, relative, or child, and you will be surprised by the positive effect it can have on thinking and development!
      eis re-enrolment reminder
      Re-enrolment in process – book your spot for next academic year!
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