I am proud of being resilient and optimistic.

After work I like to spend time with friends and family.

To get up in the morning and go to school I tell myself: ‘Let's teach some science!’
Cristina Bajo-Santos
IB Biology Teacher
My name is Cristina Bajo-Santos. I will be teaching IB DP Biology.
Before EIS I was working at Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre as well as University of Latvia (currently working in both places as well).
MSc (honors) Biology University of Salamanca (Spain);
MRes. Biomedicine University of Edinburgh (UK);
PhD candidate in Molecular Oncology at University of Latvia.
When I was a child I wanted to become an astronomer.

I am learning from kids a considerate, patient, and creative.

The school of the future is a safe place where every kid will be able to express themselves and will acquire the skills needed to adapt to the ever-changing environment.
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