Preschool Nanny, Teacher's Assistant
Kristina Skadina
I am proud of my parents.

After work I like to travel with family, gardening, spoil my children.

To get up in the morning and go to school I tell myself: 'Good morning!'
When I was a child I wanted to become a veterinarian, a teacher,.. mother.

I am learning from kids frankness, and friendliness.

The school of the future is full of happy kids, under no stress when they’re studying!
Riga Technical University - Customs expert;
Riga Technical University - Bachelors - Tax economist;
Riga Technical University - Professional Master's degree in Construction business and real estate management.
My name is Kristina Skadina. I am Nanny (K2 Teacher's Assistant). This will be my 2nd academic year at EIS.
Before EIS I was working at Municipality of Babite County.
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