
Niks Lemeševskis

Physical Education Teacher

exupery international school physical education teacher
At Exupery International School, we believe that teaching is one of the hardest and most important jobs on this planet. Teaching is life-long learning. It involves being compassionate, curious, funny, and caring, while also being trustworthy, smart, and disciplined. That is why we think our teachers are superheroes, and we want to introduce you to them! Meet Niks Lemeševskis, our PE teacher.
Please share your overall work experience and how long you have worked as a teacher?

For more than ten years, I have worked teaching sports and Judo and even organized my own creative events. I have tried other things in between, but they just felt empty.

Working with students, on the other hand, feels more alive and valuable because young minds are open to learning and changing. I am very open-minded and curious, so I easily accept different children and their thought processes. I am also curious about changing how people think, see, and behave for the best.
What motivated you to choose the particular subject to teach?

My motivation for PE came naturally as a cause and effect. Since I was six years old, I have done Judo and eventually earned a black belt. Additionally, I got a master's degree in sports psychology and am interested in all the phenomena beyond what the eyes can see.

From your perspective, what is the most essential aspect of your work?

I am quite sure that good education is and must be above anything else importance-wise. The essential aspect of my profession is a delicately mixed combination of acceptance, communication, and guidance. People are different; everyone's values, aspirations and thinking are highly individualized. I see children as personalities instead of something to fold into my ideas of what and how they should be.

The best intentions, changes, and development come from high-quality, clear, and respectful communication. It is being able to hear, see, understand, and have the courage to be honest and upfront. I see my work as a handrail that gives support, safety, and guidance toward one's mission — figuring out where one must move, what to do, and, more importantly, why to do it.

What challenges do you encounter in your role as a teacher?
My challenge as a PE teacher is fighting for students' attention. Nowadays, attention is a currency. It is easier to get it by playing games or making drama. I believe that attention is one of the most powerful tools that must be developed in every student to be successful and not get lost in this era of distraction.

Beyond teaching, what are your hobbies, and how do you spend your free time?

I enjoy listening to music, sometimes playing piano or flute. I also enjoy slow walks in beautiful places, like catching the sunset at the beach. I also like to take photos and write short poems, especially spiritual ones. I have also practised meditation daily for some years, which helps me to remember what is important.

I enjoy thinking and learning new things. For example, recently, I discovered that infographics are the most efficient way for me to learn. I like to learn about systems, people, leadership, and self-development.

Sometimes, I like to watch series, long movies, or trilogies. I also like anime and documentaries about history, personalities, and their influence.

Could you share your biggest dreams or aspirations with us?

My biggest and foremost dream is to find inner peace and live from it. In the visible world, I aspire to become the best version of myself to live a fulfilling life that touches others in the best way possible.

And what would be your advice to an aspiring teacher?

I would suggest a few things:
To work on one's personality and triggers so a teacher can be "clean" and efficient.

Learn to accept and care for each child in your heart, then teach, discipline and guide.

Learn yourself; do not wait. About teaching, about children's psychology, methods, and approaches.

See and hear. As simple as it sounds — see and hear.
About Niks Lemeševskis:

Qualifications: I graduated from Latvian Academy of Sports Education with a bachelor's degree as a sports teacher and a judo coach, then Master's degree as a coach in psychological training.
Niks Lemeševskis graduated from Latvian Academy of Sports Education with a bachelor's degree as a sports teacher and a judo coach, followed by a Master's degree as a coach in psychological training.

He takes pride in the main characters portrayed in movies. Outside of work, he enjoys solitude, spending time in nature, listening to music, and engaging in improvisation. He also finds pleasure in learning, deep thinking, participating in theatre, and assisting others in generating and contemplating ideas.
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