School News

Student & Parents Event: Guide to University Applications Worldwide

There are 30,000+ universities worldwide! How can students increase their chances of getting into the one that is the best possible fit?

We invite high school students and their parents to join us at Exupery International School on February 4 at 5pm for the talk and Q&A session with Dr. Rhonda Fisher, University Counselor at EIS.

The event will be dedicated to how parents can support their teens with the college application process. It will help to understand how to navigate through the choice of career tracks and potential university destinations.

During the event Dr. Rhonda Fisher will talk about:

• Career guidance and a discussion on how to choose university that is right for the student
• Introduction to university destinations: US, UK and Europe
• Application process: what are universities looking for?

To get the answers, join us on February 4 at 5pm. The language of event - English.

Participation is free, but registration is required -