School News

Special Offer for Mid-term Enrolment

During these challenging and uncertain times, we would like to offer our help to school students who have recently relocated to Latvia. As an international school, we believe that it is crucial to support each other in these difficult times. For those students affected by the current situation, we are ready to offer a special mid-term admission now and ongoing admission for the 2022/23 Academic Year:

  • EIS has increased the number of scholarships for students entering grades 10 and 11 in the 22/23 Academic Year. To take part in the selection process please read more about the requirements here:

  • The EIS Boarding House program will now be offered at the same cost as the day program, for students from Ukrainian schools (age 14-17) joining EIS. This offer is valid for students who are ready to start EIS school now or from the beginning of the 22/23 (25/08/22) Academic Year. Information about school fees can be found here:

  • EIS offers enrolment to our school without Capital and Enrolment Fee payments, for all students (age 2.5 – 17) who were affected by the situation, who have recently moved to Latvia, and who are ready to join EIS before the end of the Academic Year 21/22 (now - June 2022), after completing the admissions process. For current school fees, please visit:

All students applying for support are invited to take part in the EIS admission process. To start the admissions process, please complete the online application form here:
More detailed information can be found here
School Life