School News

EIS High School students took part in a debate with the Latvian President

Students love to ask questions - and often the abundance of questions gets grown-ups irritated. However, questions help us to notice new things, and often even discover new insights we may have missed.

There are many different kinds of questions and the secret lies in asking ones that truly engage with the subject and unlock stimulating answers. To encourage students to learn how to do that, we arrange debates at school that complement our work in the classroom. They learn to formulate their view and state arguments using facts and solving issues, rather than just stating their opinion. Everyone is encouraged to contribute, as it helps to become a participant in the discussion rather than just a listener.

Thanks to these skills our High School students - Giorgia Chang, Anna, Nelli, Nikita and Eva – were among the top 21 in Latvia to be selected to take part in a debate with the Latvian President, Egils Levits. This was a wonderful achievement and we are really proud of them!
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