EIS "Heads Up!"

Dear EIS Community,

Here we go with the November issue our HeadsUp! Newsletter this year. It is a dark and rainy season, but we filled it with celebrations, charity events, new achievements, and the joy of learning. Enjoy and stay tuned for more!
head of eis artūrs piļkēvičs
Edition November 2023
Artūrs Piļkēvičs
This is our third HeadsUp Newsletter video featuring Artūrs Piļkēvičs.

Autumn Festival – Bazaar, Charity, and much more

On November 3 we celebrated our annual Autumn Festival. There were many activities revolving around the joyful celebration of the harvest season. All students and teachers were invited to come to school, wearing a costume of their favorite character and majority supported the initiative. Our Preschool organized a fair or a market where students of all preschool groups have been able to buy and sell some home made bakery and fresh fruit using the special event money. They practiced their Math, Communication skills in English and grasped the concept of business while still being super cute at the same time.
Our Primary students have held their special assembly where students were presenting about various ways people celebrate harvest season around the world and announced the winners of the special door decoration competition. In addition, recognizing that the season of harvest should be celebrated by sharing students from all age groups participated in the Food Drive for the organization called sisters of charity, and Grade 3 students went to deliver the food to the organization. Middle and High school building was also filled with fun activities, starting with an assembly, a following with activities and quests organized by the Student council and culminating with the announcement of the winners of the costume competition. All in all it was a day full of learning, fun, and celebration!

Austrian Students Visiting

A group of 13 Austrian students were visiting Exupery during the second week of November. This marks the second year of collaboration with the Austrian school https://www.sfgl.at/ as we explore climate change and environmental issues together. The students stayed with the host families and at our boarding house, visited classes, participated in local trips, and were truly emersed in life at Exupery. The result – they were thrilled by their experience, but also contributed to the development of global citizenship and cross-cultural appreciation among our students and families. Now it will be our turn to visit the school in Austria!

Math Olympiad

On October 3rd some of our grade 11 and 12 students participated in the Maths competition called UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) this autumn. The senior round was the first one of the three. In all of the rounds together, there are about 600 000 - 700 000 students who participate worldwide. They generally award Gold to top 7%, then silver to the next 14% and then bronze to the next 21% of the participants. We are excited to announce that 8 of our students got bronze and 2 students got silver.

Congratulations to our students and their amazing teachers!

IB CAS - Courage Box & Senior Home Concert

Creativity, activity, service (CAS) is one of the three essential elements that every student must complete as part of the Diploma Programme (DP). CAS involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies and is aimed to foster learning through active participation in service. It is not formally assessed. However, students reflect on their CAS experiences as part of the DP, and provide evidence of achieving the seven learning outcomes.
hospital’s project courage box
This month we are highlighting a couple of project by our Grade 11 students. The first project builds on a hospital’s initiative called “Courage Box” that has a goal of making it easier for young children to go through a doctor's appointment at the hospital by giving them a small present at the end of the procedure. More about this initiative is here. So, to aid the initiative, our students were collecting toys and there is even competition between classes. They crafted a message that was sent via Toddle, collected and delivered the toys making it a success story.
Another CAS project was visiting and organizing a concert for the residents of the senior home. Insights from the students: “This event aims to bring joy and entertainment to the seniors, fostering a sense of community and connection. We believe that the power of music can make a positive impact on their lives.” Thanks goes to all who participated and supported this project!

Group 4 Science Project with ISR

The Group 4 project is a compulsory, collaborative and inter-disciplinary activity, which encourages IB Diploma Programme science students to appreciate the implications of science through practice-based learning. It also aims to develop communication skills, to understand the ethical implications of using science and technology, and to develop an understanding of using mulltiple disciplines to solve complex real-world problems.

At Exupery students may take Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science as their choices for sciences and on the day of the group project students were working in groups on projects with a common theme of water. Students took a bus to various locations around Riga and took samples of sea, lake, and river water and used in their research along with the tap and drinking water. Some examples of research topics include comparing the efficiency of various water filtration systems, drawing conclusions water samples from environmental standpoint, and many more. Moreover, we have invited students from the International School of Riga to join in, and it was even more fun in this way. At the end of the day students presented the results of their research and the reflection on their learning. Thank you to all participating students, teachers and admin who helped organize this day of learning!

A visit from Tartu

We had the pleasure of hosting 15 teachers from the Estonian school Tartu Erakool.

During their visit, our Estonian colleagues learned about our educational programmes and teaching methods. They were welcomed by our Head of School, Mr. Arturs Pilkevics, and they visited classes from Preschool (K3) and Grades 1-5 and even observed a lesson in Grade 6.
This means that our educators not only follow the programme but consider the students' interests, thus promoting curiosity in children. This holistic approach was very well received by the teachers from Estonia, and they expressed great interest in implementing a similar approach in their work. The visit was a wonderful exchange of ideas, and as a result, we received an invitation to visit Tartu Erakool, which we gladly accepted.
Our Primary Principal & PYP Coordinator, Mrs. Kristine Atrens, answered questions from our visitors. What left the strongest impression on our guests was our two-fold approach to teaching.

Track and Field Day

Our students from various grade levels took part in the International Schools Track and Field Day at the National Riga Sports Manege! We faced tough competition from schools like the International School of Riga, the International School of Latvia, Ecole Francaise Jules Verne, and Deutsche Schule in Riga. Our incredible team of 13 students from Grades 3 to 5 showed their super athletic skills! While the girls rocked the Relay race and scored 3rd place, our boys gave it their all and grabbed 4th place in the same race. One student, from Grade 5, got 4th place in the long jump, and another 4th grader dashed his way to 3rd place in completing in 60 m sprint and 2nd place in a 200 m sprint! We congratulate our students on their achievements and participation. We thank the Sports teacher, Ms Ginta Strode, for her work with students and, of course, we thank parents for their fantastic support!

Carl Honore – a success

carl honore talk at exupery international school
We had the privilege of hosting Carl Honoré, a two-time TED speaker, author, journalist, and the voice of the Slow Movement at Exupery International School. During his outstanding talk, he emphasized the importance of controlling the rhythm of our lives. The core message of his speech is genuinely profound and can transform your life. Consider this: "The slow philosophy can be summarized in one word – balance. Be fast when necessary and slow when the situation calls for it. Aim to live at the 'tempo giusto,' the right speed, as musicians do." In his talk, Mr. Honoré also shared his thoughts on the approaches implemented at Exupery International School, saying, "I love this place.
Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it also exudes a calming atmosphere. I can see how you can embrace a slower pace here just based on the school's ethos. As a former IB student, I understand the importance of the theory of knowledge, reflection, debates, and enhancing emotional intelligence. These concepts align well with my ideas because you can't delve deeply into the realm of knowledge without taking the time to slow down."

“Friendsgiving” Among Staff

sunshine committee formed

Among our staff we have formed a Sunshine Committee – a group of teachers and staff whose task is to promote a friendly and positive work atmosphere by organizing social events, festive initiatives, and little celebrations. As one of their first initiatives, the committee has organized the “Friendsgiving” day where staff members had a chance to write surprise thank you notes to a partner received via random draw culminating in a staff get together where birthdays were announced and celebrated! Hurray and thank you, dear committee!
"Food for thought" - College Applications and the Upcoming Fair
One of the most crucial, yet often overlooked aspects of the college admission process, is timing. When striving for acceptance at your dream college, simply writing essays and submitting the application is not sufficient. Students, parents, and counselors must carefully consider various nuances, including whether to apply during the early admissions round. In the realm of selective admissions, timing and application strategy are paramount.
Read more on the importance of early applications here, but also mark your calendars! On December 6 we will be hosting our second Universities Fair for the universities in the Baltics that offer programs of study in English. Come and you will have the opportunity to see the presentations of universities, meet and communicate with representatives of the admissions committees of the universities you like in person. Participation in the exhibition is free after registration: https://exupery.lv/baltic-universities
Applying during the early round can enhance the likelihood of securing an acceptance letter, but only if students are adequately prepared. Therefore, apparat from maintaining good grades, students should research the university options early and get to know the colleges they are considering.
Coming up: Mark Your Calendars!
December 6,
4 PM
December 12
Primary Winter Concert
December 13
Preschool Winter Concert
December 15
Secondary X-Factor
December 18 to January 8
Winter Break for Students
December 18-19, January 8
Teacher Work Days / No School for Students
December 25-29
January 9
First Day of Semester II
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